Well, this has been quite an adventure. It’s been 3.5 years since Dave and I started Carbon Kapture. It’s been a roller coaster getting here, but let’s not talk about the past. Let’s talk about what is happening now!
- A functioning website with something for the organisations (large and small) and the general public to buy. Check.
- A functioning sale, back office, social media, operations team. Check
- A roll-out plan for the coming 36 months including a plan to create meaningful blue carbon credits over the next 12 months. Check.
We are ready to make a dent in reviving marine ecosystems, improving ocean health, increasing marine food sustainability, all while creating the world’s largest commercial circular economy seaweed farm. It’s a bit of a mouthful, but in all honesty, if we can’t make a humble brag now, when can we do it?
Climate change is at a critical point. I’m sure we all know people who mistake “weather” and “climate change.” Let me explain the difference.
Weather is the uneven way our planet reacts to heat from the sun as a result of the different surfaces and shapes that our planet has.
Climate change is the man-made effect of giving humanity unconditional access to one of the most powerful energy supplies ever identified and then putting zero guardrails on its usage.
See figure 1 (Thanks to the brilliant blog “How precisely we are fucked”)

This spike is just a simple visualisation of how we have just used and depleted fossil fuels. As a metaphor, it’s like we’ve given an unlimited spend on a credit card to 16-year-old, with no rules and told, “do whatever you want to do”. It’s only now that we are realizing the ‘debt’ we have to pay back to our planet is actually difficult for us to do.
The size of the green target to achieve stability again is huge. Everyone who wants to have a go at solving it will and certainly, many have tried. We have already seen the cowboys come in and try to pillage the ‘wild west’ of net zero.
The facts are very simple. Our planet is 70% water. On the remaining 30% of land, we have 8 billion people, 40 million miles of roads, 10,000 cities with 6 billion cattle (cows, pigs and sheep), 23 billion chickens, and 5 billion hectares of farming land. In between that, we think we can plant enough trees that grow incredibly slowly to reverse 150 years of intensive mineral extraction from our planet.

I will go even further and say, the math doesn’t work. What need to do is look at our oceans and work on ways to heal it. One of the simplest and smartest actions we can take is to grow seaweed. Seaweed effectively grows in weightlessness grows 30 times faster than trees.
Why am I saying all this? Well, Carbon Kapture is going to do things differently. we are working on healing the oceans. It’s where ALL LIFE on this planet came from.
Certainly, CK isn’t the first organization trying to help fix our oceans, but we are talking a common-sense approach but the understanding that nature and its ecosystem are actually a balancing act, and that we need to undertake this process with as small a footprint as possible.
This idea has galvanized hundreds if not thousands of people already – It’s something that people really do ‘get’ and now people can actually show support for. A feasible alternative to buying trees.
Carbon Kapture have created a mechanism that puts the power to make immediate impactful change into your hands. You can start to heal our oceans. It all starts today. in Mulroy Bay (Ireland) and we aim to move quickly into other locations.
It’s simple, buy some of our seaweed on ropes you will directly increase the amount of marine habitat that sea life can live and feed on. That, in turn, increases the food supply chain in our oceans, which in turn increases the marine life of carbon-based life. The more of that we have, the cooler our oceans become.
We then, at the right time farm the seaweed, removing tonnes of CO2 from our oceans and atmosphere, which we can then turn into sequestered CO2 in a variety of ways. Right now, our focus is on improving soil health so we can not only sequester CO2 back into our soil but also increasing the amount of organisms living below ground.
Are you with us? Is my argument compelling?
Right now, there’s a call to action. It all starts with you buying some seaweed ropes. Get ‘Roped In’. Buy a line or seaweed, then share it on social media and tell all of your friends.
We can do this.
Thank you for your support.