Kelp is actually a type of seaweed, so the two terms are related. However, there are some differences between them.

Seaweed is a general term used to describe many different species of marine algae, including kelp. Seaweed can come in many different shapes, sizes and colours and can be found in oceans, seas and other bodies of saltwater around the world.

Kelp, on the other hand, is a specific type of large brown seaweed that’s found in cool, shallow waters close to shore. Kelp can grow to be very large, with some species reaching over 100 feet in length. It’s often used for food, supplements and other products due to its high nutritional value and potential health benefits.

So, in summary, kelp is a type of seaweed, but not all seaweed is kelp!

Pyrolysis is a process that involves heating organic matter in the absence of oxygen, which breaks down the material into a solid residue known as biochar.

Biochar is a solid residue created through pyrolyzing organic matter. It’s rich in carbon and other nutrients, making it an excellent soil amendment for improving soil health and fertility.

Seaweed biochar is a type of biochar that is produced from the pyrolysis of seaweed (a process that involves heating seaweed in the absence of oxygen until it breaks down into biochar).

Seaweed is a type of algae that grows in marine environments. It’s rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as trace elements like calcium, magnesium, and sulphur. When seaweed is pyrolyzed to produce biochar, these nutrients are concentrated in the resulting biochar, making it an excellent fertiliser for crops.

Seaweed biochar has several benefits for soil health and plant growth. Firstly, it improves soil structure by increasing water retention and reducing erosion. This is because biochar has a porous structure that can hold onto water and nutrients, allowing plants to access them more easily. Secondly, biochar seaweed can enhance soil fertility by releasing nutrients slowly over time, reducing the need for synthetic fertilisers. Finally, biochar seaweed helps to sequester carbon in the soil, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

Seaweed biochar has been used in agricultural systems around the world, particularly in regions where seaweed is abundant (such as in coastal areas). It has been shown to improve crop yields and quality, reduce nutrient leaching, and enhance soil microbial activity. In addition to its agricultural benefits, seaweed biochar can also be used in environmental remediation, for e.g. removing pollutants from water and soil.

In conclusion, seaweed biochar is a type of biochar produced from the pyrolysis of seaweed. It’s a valuable soil amendment that can improve soil structure, enhance soil fertility, and sequester carbon in the soil. Its use in agriculture and environmental remediation has the potential to improve sustainability and mitigate climate change.

Pyrolysis is a process that involves heating organic matter in the absence of oxygen, which breaks down the material into a solid residue known as biochar. The resulting biochar is rich in carbon and other nutrients, making it an excellent soil amendment for improving soil health and fertility. 

Seaweed biochar is a type of biochar that is produced from the pyrolysis of seaweed. Seaweed is a type of algae that grows in marine environments. It is rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as trace elements like calcium, magnesium, and sulphur. When seaweed is pyrolyzed to produce biochar, these nutrients are concentrated in the resulting biochar, making it an excellent fertilizer for crops.

Seaweed biochar has several benefits for soil health and plant growth. Firstly, it improves soil structure by increasing water retention and reducing erosion. This is because biochar has a porous structure that can hold onto water and nutrients, allowing plants to access them more easily. Secondly, biochar seaweed can enhance soil fertility by releasing nutrients slowly over time, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. Finally, biochar seaweed can help to sequester carbon in the soil, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

Biochar seaweed has been used in agricultural systems around the world, particularly in regions where seaweed is abundant, such as in coastal areas. It has been shown to improve crop yields and quality, reduce nutrient leaching, and enhance soil microbial activity. In addition to its agricultural benefits, biochar seaweed can also be used in environmental remediation, such as for removing pollutants from water and soil.

In conclusion, biochar seaweed is a type of biochar produced from the pyrolysis of seaweed. It is a valuable soil amendment that can improve soil structure, enhance soil fertility, and sequester carbon in the soil. Its use in agriculture and environmental remediation has the potential to improve sustainability and mitigate climate change.

Seaweed biochar is an excellent fertiliser for crops, as it’s rich in nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as trace elements like calcium, magnesium, and sulphur.

Seaweed biochar has several benefits for soil health and plant growth. Firstly, it improves soil structure by increasing water retention and reducing erosion. This is because biochar has a porous structure that holds onto water and nutrients, allowing plants to access them more easily. Secondly, seaweed biochar enhances soil fertility by releasing nutrients slowly over time, reducing the need for synthetic fertilisers. Finally, seaweed biochar helps to sequester carbon in the soil, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

Seaweed biochar has been used in agricultural systems around the world and has been shown to improve crop yields and quality, reduce nutrient leaching, and enhance soil microbial activity. In addition to its agricultural benefits, seaweed biochar can also be used in environmental remediation, such as for removing pollutants from water and soil.

In conclusion, seaweed biochar is a valuable soil amendment that can improve soil structure, enhance soil fertility, and sequester carbon in the soil. 

The climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges humanity has faced, and while there are many ways we can address this crisis, one potential solution is seaweed.

Seaweed has the ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. Seaweed can absorb up to 20 times more CO₂ than land-based plants, making it an incredibly efficient carbon sink. In fact, it has been estimated that if just 9% of the world’s oceans were covered with seaweed farms, they could absorb all of the CO₂ emissions produced by human activity!

But seaweed offers even more benefits beyond carbon sequestration. Seaweed can also reduce ocean acidification, a process by which the pH of seawater decreases due to the absorption of excess CO₂. This can have devastating effects on marine life, as it dissolves the shells of organisms such as oysters and clams. Seaweed can help counteract this by reducing the amount of CO₂ in the water, thus preventing further acidification.

In addition, seaweed can also be used to produce biofuels, which could potentially replace fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Furthermore, seaweed farming has a low environmental impact. Unlike land-based agriculture, which requires large amounts of freshwater and can lead to soil erosion and deforestation, seaweed farming doesn’t require fresh water or land. Seaweed can be grown in coastal areas or in offshore farms, and doesn’t need fertilisers or pesticides.

Despite the many benefits of seaweed, there are still challenges that need to be addressed. For e.g. seaweed farming can be expensive and labour-intensive, and there are still questions about the scalability of the industry. However, many researchers and organisations like Carbon Kapture are working to overcome these challenges and to promote the growth of the seaweed industry.

So, seaweed has the potential to be a powerful tool in the fight against climate change. By sequestering carbon, reducing ocean acidification, and providing sustainable food and energy sources, seaweed could help mitigate the impacts of human-induced climate change. As we continue to explore new solutions to address the climate crisis, seaweed should be considered as an important part of the solution.

Seaweed grows very well on rope. Carbon Kapture uses a special kind of eco-friendly “seeded” rope which has young seaweed saplings attached to it, to promote a bigger crop. Each one of our ropes is 100 metres long and is secured in location by anchors. As the seaweed grows, it absorbs CO₂ and becomes our vehicle for capturing carbon.

Seaweed is very effective at capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere due to its natural ability to photosynthesise. Like other plants, seaweed uses sunlight to convert CO₂ into organic matter through photosynthesis; however, seaweed has some unique characteristics that make it particularly efficient at carbon sequestration.

Firstly, it grows very quickly and can absorb large amounts of CO₂ from the water as it grows. In fact, seaweed can absorb up to 20 times more CO₂ per unit area than land-based plants, making it a highly efficient carbon sink. Secondly, unlike many land-based plants, seaweed doesn’t need fertilisers or fresh water to grow, which reduces the environmental impact of seaweed farming. Additionally, seaweed cultivation can provide additional ecosystem services, such as habitat for marine life, and can be used for food, fuel, and other products.

Overall, seaweed’s fast growth, high carbon uptake, and low environmental impact make it an attractive option for carbon sequestration and climate mitigation efforts!

The most likely variety of seaweed we will grow is sugar kelp, or Saccharina latissima for the academics – this is a brown seaweed also known as sea belt, or Devil’s apron. Sugar kelp is perfect for absorbing CO₂ as its blades can grow up to 5 metres in just a few months! It grows fastest from late winter through spring.

We expect to capture approx. 500g of carbon per metre of rope, which equates to approx. 1.8 kg of CO₂ (1 kg of carbon = 3.67 kg of CO₂).

Excessive amounts of carbon dioxide in the environment can have a range of negative impacts on natural ecosystems, including:

  • Climate change: CO₂ is a greenhouse gas, which means it traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere and contributes to global warming. As levels of CO₂ in the atmosphere continue to rise due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, the planet’s climate is changing at an unprecedented rate. This is causing a range of negative impacts, including sea level rise, more frequent and severe heat waves, droughts, and extreme weather events.
  • Ocean acidification: When CO₂ is absorbed by the ocean, it reacts with seawater to form carbonic acid. This process is known as ocean acidification, and it can have negative impacts on marine ecosystems, including the ability of shellfish and other organisms to build their shells or skeletons. Ocean acidification can also disrupt food chains and reduce biodiversity in marine environments.
  • Changes to vegetation: As the climate changes due to rising CO₂ levels, some areas may experience changes in precipitation patterns, temperature, and other environmental factors. This can lead to changes in vegetation patterns and even the loss of some plant and animal species.
  • Air pollution: High levels of CO₂ in the atmosphere can also contribute to other forms of air pollution, such as smog and particulate matter, which can have negative impacts on human health and the environment.


Overall, excessive amounts of CO₂ in the environment can have significant negative impacts on natural ecosystems and contribute to a range of environmental problems, including climate change, ocean acidification, changes to vegetation patterns, and air pollution.

Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can dissolve in the ocean and react with seawater, leading to a process called ocean acidification. This process can have a range of negative impacts on marine ecosystems, including:

  • Impaired ability of organisms to form shells or skeletons: Ocean acidification makes it more difficult for organisms like corals, molluscs, and some types of plankton to build their shells or skeletons. This can weaken these organisms and make them more vulnerable to predators or other stressors.
  • Changes to food webs: Ocean acidification can alter the chemistry of the water, which can affect the availability of nutrients for different types of plankton. This, in turn, can disrupt the food chain and potentially have negative impacts on fish populations and other marine life.
  • Changes to biodiversity: Ocean acidification can also have negative impacts on biodiversity by reducing the availability of suitable habitats for some types of marine life. This can lead to a reduction in the number of species that are able to survive in affected areas.
  • Reduced ability of the ocean to absorb CO₂: While the ocean currently absorbs a significant amount of excess CO₂ from the atmosphere, the process of ocean acidification can make it more difficult for the ocean to continue this function, which can lead to further increases in atmospheric CO₂ levels and exacerbate the impacts of climate change.


Overall, excess CO₂ in the atmosphere can have significant negative impacts on the ocean and its ecosystems, including ocean acidification, changes to food webs and biodiversity, and reduced ability of the ocean to absorb CO₂ from the atmosphere.

Reducing emissions is a critical step in addressing climate change, as it’s the primary cause of the increased levels of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. However, reducing emissions alone isn’t enough to solve climate change for several reasons:

  • The lag time between emissions and climate impacts: Even if we stopped all emissions today, the effects of past emissions would continue to affect the climate for decades or even centuries. This means that there is a delay between the time emissions are reduced and the time we see a corresponding reduction in the effects of climate change.
  • The scale of emissions reductions required: To stabilise the climate and avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we need to drastically reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. This is a daunting task that requires significant changes to our energy systems, transportation, agriculture, and other sectors. It will take time, resources, and political will to achieve these emissions reductions.
  • The need for adaptation: Even with significant emissions reductions, some impacts of climate change are already unavoidable. For example, sea-level rise and more frequent and severe heatwaves are already affecting communities around the world. Therefore, we also need to invest in adapting to the changing climate and building resilience in the face of these impacts.
  • Addressing equity and justice: Climate change disproportionately affects marginalised and vulnerable communities, who often have the least responsibility for causing the problem. Therefore, addressing climate change also requires a focus on equity and justice, ensuring that those who are most impacted by climate change have access to the resources and support they need to adapt and thrive.


In summary, while reducing emissions is critical to addressing climate change, it’s not a standalone solution. Addressing climate change also requires investment in adaptation, focusing on equity and justice, and a long-term commitment to achieving emissions reductions.

A carbon credit is a certificate that represents a reduction of one metric ton of carbon dioxide (or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases) from being released into the atmosphere. The carbon credit system was created to provide a financial incentive for companies and organisations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and move towards more sustainable practices.

Carbon credits are often used as part of a larger strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address climate change, alongside other measures such as renewable energy development, energy efficiency improvements, and behaviour change. By incentivising emissions reductions, carbon credits can help to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Blue carbon credits are a type of carbon offset that seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by protecting, restoring, or creating coastal ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrasses, and salt marshes.

These ecosystems sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in the soil and biomass. By supporting blue carbon projects, companies can help mitigate the impact of their carbon footprint while also supporting the conservation of important coastal habitats and biodiversity. The main issue with blue carbon credits is that they are very expensive and complicated to create, which is why reforestation projects have become the most popular way to offset.

There are several challenges to establishing a seaweed carbon credit system, including:

  • Verification: To establish a carbon credit system, it’s important to accurately quantify the amount of carbon dioxide that’s being captured and stored by seaweed. This requires reliable and accurate monitoring and verification mechanisms, which can be difficult to implement in marine environments. Carbon Kapture is investing in this…
  • Scalability: While seaweed can sequester significant amounts of carbon, the scale of seaweed cultivation needed to make a significant impact on global carbon emissions is currently limited. To scale up seaweed carbon credits, there would need to be significant investment and development in the technology and infrastructure needed for large-scale seaweed cultivation. Carbon Kapture is investing in this…
  • Market demand: Carbon credits are only valuable if there is a market demand for them. At present, there is limited demand for seaweed carbon credits, and establishing a market for them would require significant effort to educate investors and raise awareness of the benefits of seaweed carbon sequestration. Carbon Kapture is working on this…


Despite these challenges, we’re starting an initiative to explore the potential of seaweed carbon credits. Others, such as the Marine Forests Carbon Project, are also aiming to develop a framework for blue carbon credits for seaweed cultivation; however, it may take some time before a mature market for seaweed carbon credits emerges. Wish us luck!

Whilst there are still benefits to the environment by cultivating seaweed for food or cosmetic products, when seaweed is consumed in this way, the carbon stored in the seaweed is temporarily removed from the atmosphere, but it’s eventually released back into the environment through various processes. So, the net carbon removed is zero…

When seaweed is eaten by animals or humans, the carbon compounds in the seaweed are broken down through digestion and converted into energy, which is then released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide during respiration. Similarly, when seaweed is used in cosmetics or other products, the carbon stored in the seaweed is released into the atmosphere when the products are eventually disposed of or decompose naturally.

Both companies and charities have important roles to play in addressing social and environmental issues; and we feel that by operating as a company we will be able to more quickly scale and deliver impact.

Our Board will avoid the prioritisation of profit over social and environmental impact and we will maintain a high level of accountability and transparency. A combination of both non and for-profit organisations working together will be needed to achieve meaningful progress in our sector.

Greenwashing is a marketing tactic used by companies and organisations to make their products, services, or practices appear more environmentally friendly than they actually are.

It can take many forms, such as making exaggerated or misleading claims about a product’s environmental benefits, using vague or unverifiable terms such as “eco-friendly” or “natural,” or highlighting a single environmentally-friendly attribute while ignoring other negative environmental impacts. To avoid companies which are greenwashing, consumers can look for independent certifications or third-party endorsements that verify a product’s environmental claims, such as the Energy Star label or the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification.

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